There should be enough information in the .zip files in the links on this page to get you started with your CanSat hardware and programming. The CanSat shields arrived July 2nd – if you want to participate in SPARC just contact us and we’ll give you the bare shield PCB. The information on this page is meant to get you started using the shield and the sensors – it is not meant to be your final CanSat project. Feel free to email us questions (see contact page)
CanSat Shield V4 with GY80 (also works with GY-87 and GY-88)
AIAA OC Rocketry now has the Version 4 CanSat Shields developed by Jens Dalsgaard Nielson, Assoc Prof PhD and EE Manager of Aalborg University and the students at Aalborg University Studentspace ( – if you are participating in SPARC, just email us and we’ll send you one. The photo above is of the shield on an Arduino Uno – built with all sensors socketed for development (you probably don’t want sockets on your flight hardware sensors). There are 5 shunt jumper locations on the shield. For normal operation, and to download code onto the Arduino leave all jumpers off. To program the APC220 radio, put shunt jumpers on 1, 2, and 3. To use the radio, put jumpers on 2 and 3 only. And to use the OpenLog data logger, put jumpers on 4 and 5 only. To upload a program to the Arduino Uno remove all jumpers.
The following links are to .zip files to help get the GY80 up and running. In addition, each .zip file contains information and schematics for the NAROM CanSat Version 4 shield and the entire GY80. A ReadMe file is included in each .zip file to explain the contents of each file.
ADXL345 3 Axis Accelerometer: This link is to a .zip file that contains documentation, sketches, and libraries to get the ADXL345 portion of the GY80 IMU running.
BMP085 Barometric Pressure and Temperature Sensor: This link is to a zip file that contains documentation, sketches, and libraries to get the BMP085 portion of the GY80 IMU running.
HMC5883L 3 Axis Magnetometer: This link is to a zip file that contains documentation sketches, and libraries to get the HMC5883L portion of the GY80 IMU running.
L3G4200D 3 Axis Digital Gyro: This link is to a zip file that contains documentation, sketches, and libraries to get the L3G4200D portion of the GY80 IMU running.
OpenLog data logger: This link is to a zip file that contains documentation and sketches to get the OpenLog data logger running.
APC220 Radio: This link is to a zip file that contains documentation and sketches to get the APC220 radio running.
APC220 Radio Setup Video: Video tutorial from Assoc Prof PhD Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen at AAU on the setting up the APC220. This is an .mp4 file – you must use an appropriate player.
Alternate Sensors for the CanSat Shield V4 (if not using the GY80)
MMA7361LC 3-Axis Accelerometer: This link is to a .zip file that contains documentation, sketches, and libraries required to get the MMA7361LC running. Follow the instructions in the ReadMe .pdf file to wire and compile and load code. Then use the Serial Monitor program in the Arduino IDE to see the output. Gravity is a good validator – you should see approximately (depending upon your calibration) 1g acceleration if you orient the accelerometer on the three axes relative to the earth.
NTCLE100E3 Thermistor: This link is to a file that contains documentation, sketches, and libraries required to get the NTCLE100E3 running. The sketch header shows how to wire the thermistor if you do not have the CanSat Shield. And user the Serial Monitor prigram in the Arduino IDE to see the output.