The following organizations sponsor launches in the Southern California area – some also sponsor clubs and workshops to educate students about rocketry. Click on the logo next to the description to visit the organization’s web site.
The AIAA OC Rocketry is this web site – NAR Section #718. We are based in Orange, CA. We have monthly build meetings, hold montly launches on our own or attend launches of other NAR sections, mentor TARC and SLI teams. Our focus is on youth, but everyone is welcome.
The Rocketry Organization of California, or ROC holds monthly launches at Lucerne Dry Lake for low and high power. The June and November Launches are larger launches called ROCStock.
The D.A.R.T. rocketry organization has launches once or twice each month at Fiesta Island near San Diego, California. Fliers are limited to “G” engines or less. Many youth and youth groups attend this launch
The Temecula rocketry group holds monthly launches near Temecula, California, mostly for the A-E engine sizes. They are active in promoting rocketry for youth and hold workshops and can often be found at the ROC launches
The Southern California Rocketry Association, or SCRA is very active in promoting youth and rocketry. Their fliers can be found at many of the hobby stores in Southern California. They have launches once or twice each month at the Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area in Irwindale, CA. They also have some higher powered launches at Lucerne Dry Lake.
The Tripoli San Diego focuses primarly on high power rocketry. They hold monthly launches near Plaster City, CA which is near El Centro, California.
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