
The expectations of this program is to write a Proposal, which is followed by a WebEx, then Preliminary Design Review, which is then followed by a WebEx, then write a Critical Design Review followed by a WebEx, then a Flight Readiness Review followed by a WebEx. Then after we launch in Huntsville Alabama, we write Post Launch Assessment Review.

The following documents are those that have been written by the student team members and submitted to NASA as part of this project:

Original Request for Proposal from NASA

SLI Proposal


PDR Power Point

PDR Milestone Review Fly Sheet


CDR Power Point

Video For CDR Power Point

CDR Milestone Review Fly Sheet

FRR (Flight Readiness Review)

FRR Milestone Review Fly Sheet

Updated FRR Power Point (4/3/2011)

Video for Updated FRR Power Point (4/3/2011)